Castle Crashers - Steam
FAQs relating directly to Castle Crashers on Steam.
Why replace All You Can Quaff with Back Off Barbarian in the latest Castle Crashers Steam update?
I see slow framerate both offline and online, how can I fix it?
I see slow framerate when I play online only, how do I fix this?
When I launch the game, I only see a black screen and don't hear any game audio.
When I launch the game, I only see a black screen but hear game audio.
I lost all my progress, what should I do?
Steam says that Castle Crashers is cross-platform. Does that mean if I buy a copy on my PC, I can play with my friends on Xbox or PSN?
I want to play this game with my brother/sister/friend/dog/goldfish on one keyboard. Can I?
I don't hear anything when I play Castle Crashers, but I can hear other programs fine.
What are the system requirements for Castle Crashers on Steam?