Castle Crashers - PSN
FAQs relating directly to Castle Crashers on the PlayStation Network.
When I search via Quickmatch, I get the "Searching for Games" message followed by the "No Games Found" message. There must be games available. Why is this happening?!
When I host a game, other people can't join and/or can't accept my invites. What should I do?
I have no issues with hosting or joining, but when I get into game, I can play for 5 minutes before getting booted from game. Why can't I stay in game?
When I search for games multiple times using the same search parameters, sometimes I see the same open games and other times I see completely different games. Why is this?
I have NAT type 2 and UPnP is set to Available. I'm still having trouble hosting games, and friends are getting error messages like: "Game is No Longer Available".