There are a few things that could be happening when you do not receive any tournament points:
- If you finish a match too quickly after the first one was awarded points, there is a timer that will block earning more points until a short period of time passes. If you happen to have a really well-built team, or just happen to get matched up against an AI team that is very weak to your damage types, it's entirely possible to hit that limit.
It would be most common in the 2nd or 3rd round.
- Every Tuesday Steam does maintenance from ~2-4PM PST During that time you may not be able to connect to our tournament server. This can cause your matches to not award points.
- In general, Steam tends to have some connection issues around this time daily.
- If your system clock is more than 15 minutes out of sync with the server clock. Server time is based on internet time, so as long as your system clock is synced with internet time for your timezone, you should not have troubles here. Regardless, the game will inform you if your system time is too out of sync.
And of course, there are other network problems that could be contributing, but this is just a few things we know of.
- If you receive 0 tournament points but you still see the leaderboards, then you probably hit the timer.
If you receive 0 tournament points and you cannot see the leaderboards, there is an issue with your connection to the tournament server, whether it be Steam maintenance or some other network issues.
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